
Believe it or not, I'm not into rap/hip hop that much. Some of it is cool. I am more of a Carlton/Oreo type of black dude. (Not to say those types can't be into Hiphop either).

. Awesome. Carlton Banks is cool in my book. At least if only to do my homework.

Electro, baby, you don't need to show any 'cred to impress me. Wouldn't mind a boob or ass pic, though. Please hold up a sign "hello tritone" next to it.

l I really do like that music. The last 3 mostly for humor purposes. I couldn't find "White Lines" But if you want a whiter chick with REAL 'cred go to Martha Stewart, she's been locked up before. I'm tame compared to that lioness. [MarthaS] "Thought he had 'caine but it was gold medal flour."[/MarthaS]

LOL. Xrentdvd.com actually had discounts on IR/Black DVDs for Feb. I'm serious. It was a feature on their front page saying "Celebrating Black History Month".

You sirr, you never fail to put a smile on my face. I'm going to change my username to "Ted'tone" This OK???.... Deerest XxxPt posters, No tits, no ass, not sorry. I'm going to completely ignore all future requests from anyone. (And, no. I don't care.)
"Nature already created the perfect dishwasher....its called a woman." - Fiend