
What, can't a white boy like Roscoe's? I'm not just talkin' some racial shit here, I was damn near furniture at Roscoe's before I left L.A. I'm a big fan of the #13 "one succulent breast, one delicious waffle" with a side of smothered potatoes and maybe some greens if I'm feelin' it (insert "choke chicken" joke here_________________) The sad truth is this...I don't even know if I'll be able to eat chicken ever again. I have picked up from/ dropped loads at too many Tyson plants and hatcheries, toured too many of the plants, and just, overall, seen ENTIRELY too much. I can't eat eggs, mayo, or chicken now because of it. fuct, huh? Oh, the shit I've seen! The chicken chokers DEFINATELY know how to...

-Keep It Dirty

"Ahem hem... good day sir, I would like one tour of your chicken plant. Will there be a fee, if any. Ahem..."

WTF dude? You're slipping - don't you realize that wasting time glad-handing with second in command as he gives you a tour of the KFC concentration camp is displacing precious time you could be wrangling up lizzies into the back of the cab, nodding about how horrible stepdad was right before you go in for the sap trap? COME OHN!