
For crying out loud. Look guys, Megan and I are just a couple of young adults saving up money to buy a house. We're just entertainers, we sell make believe. I realize the mainstream and niche markets are a bit polarized but come on, I didn't write my initial post to start a flame war or to advicate tranny porn or even to gain anyones' acceptance or understanding. The name of the thread is Talent for hire - what was it about my post that provoked any one elses attention besides those who work in the industry? I goofed up and acidentally tripped into a viper pit, but how was I to know? I assumed that "Talent For Hire" was exactly appropriate for my post. I was wrong. We are are officially backing out of any further exchanges on this forum - we have real work to concentrate on and this thread has ceased to be proactive towards our goals. Thanks for your time, but we hafta jet. Laterz, J.C. & M.M.

XTP Hater