
Will, the meth-infested corpse in your avatar is you?

whoa, easy buddy... Be nice.... to the meth, drugs dont make people dirty people make drugs dirty. Otherwise it would be inanimate (sp?) object from hell... @@@@@w31rdn00b: i see you profile relationshit status says "in a relationshit"... new girlfriend?, if so how does she/he feel about having this whore plastered all over you page??? secret account??? oooR, is it with the same gal using the "she IS my girlfriend, she just doesnt know it yet" defense... youre a total creep, I outta know.... not good creepy, just sickly infatuated and not cutsy creep like teh regular male posters of xpt. take this trash to the cage...
"Nature already created the perfect dishwasher....its called a woman." - Fiend