
Should have? Hell, we shouldn't have gone in there in the first place. It was a strategic blunder of the highest magnitude, forget all the tactical blunders that kept us there all this additional time.

Having said that, though, passively hoping for our defeat to prove it was the wrong decision for political points is as disgusting as hoping for a hurricane to kill scores and uproot thousands just to disrupt the other party's convention.* I should think, as an old Navy hand, you of all people would get that.

Never said or implied that I hoped we'd lose. When politicians declare war they should stay the hell out of it until the generals come back to them and say it's won.
Soldiers know how to fight wars, politicians don't.

The "Surge" should have happened when war was first declared, not years later. It's the Vietnam political mentality all over again.

As far as natural disasters go, I've always been fascinated by the mentality (or lack there of) of people who constantly battle against nature, living in artificially created environs that are repeatedly overwhelmed by the natural order of things.

How many times does your house need to be washed away before you decide building in a natural flood plane is a bad idea?

How good of an idea is it to live in a city that is below sea level, which is dependent on maintaining the artificial location of the delta of one of the largest rivers in the world, while destroying the natural coastal protections in a hurricane prone region?

I don't "passively hope" for anything. I'm just mystified by the apparent human need to constantly beat our collective heads against a brick wall.

I'd rather be ignorant than stupid. Ignorance implies a lack of knowledge which is easily correctable through education. Stupidity implies an inability to learn. Therefore; ignorance is temporary, stupidity is forever!