

I havent seen it.

I know. But that's okay. Obama will heal your vision, just as soon as he comes back from his stroll across Lake Michigan.

You know all this "Obama is the Messiah" bullshit is just frustration because you don't want to consider him because he is black. And yet every day, it becomes clearer that he is the best choice.

How can you vote for McCain who made a totally reckless and impulsive pick with Sarah Palin. He only thought about the short term gain of maybe winning some fundie and dissaffected Hillary votes. But what happens if they actually win? What if he gets sick? He's risking the security of the nation on her?

Whereas ... time and time again Barack Obama has shown measured and steady leadership in his decisions.

-He's run a disciplined, successful campaign
-He pulled off a succesful convention that increased the unity of a fractured party
-He made a solid choice for VP.
-He was right about going to Iraq in the first place
-He was right about talking to Iran
-His idea for a pullout has been adopted by the Bush Admin.
-He surrounds himself with the best people and makes thoughtful, solid decisions.

But nah. You want the hot-headed "maverick".

In his acceptance speech Obama laid down the gauntlet. He challenged McCain on his temperament to be Commander in Chief. The unexpected power of his speech SHOOK McCain. Maybe he had another VP choice in mind initially. Maybe that choice turned him down cause they knew this election was going to be a loser.

BUT INSTEAD OF TAKING MORE TIME TO MAKE A MORE SUITBALE PICK HE PANICED AND TOOK A BIG GAMBLE ON PALIN. He wanted to beat the news cycle and blunt the wave of great press Obama's speech was receiving. That limited goal and winning votes was more important than actually considering the security of this nation should he actually WIN.

You want THAT kind of decision making as your Commander in Chief?

McCain, for all his positive qualities, thinks short term like the soldier he is. Obama sees the big picture and makes the BIG TIME STRATEGIC DECISIONS like a true leader. Its that kind of stewardship that protects this nation.

Edited by tritone (08/31/08 03:47 PM)