i read in the local paper today that the obamas and the bidens ate breakfast yesterday morning at this shithole diner down the street from me called 'the yankee kitchen.' hussein had pancakes, bacon and three eggs over-medium, while joe biden had the french toast. whether or not barry was able to force himself to actually swallow evil, evil carbs was not mentioned. on another election note, i was talking with my mother the other day (cringe) and she asked me if, since she has relocated to another county (i kicked her out of the condo i bought her for mother's day 2000 and now she's living at my grandma's house), does she have to register to vote there? i told her no, she's all set. so one less ohio vote for obama, yay.
"I'm going to spend the rest of the weekend deep frying the fuck out of anything that gets in my way." --Handful