I'm a life-long Democrat and I think both candidates suck. So do Barr and Nader.

Despite his age, I don't think Obama has any greater life expectancy than McCain, given the odds of an assassination attempt should he win.

Nor do I really think Biden is any more capable of running the country than Palin, although I think she might play better to the undecideds and the hard core Hillary voters.

We're fucked no matter who wins this race. It's just a matter of which of these bastards uses more lube.

Having said that, I freely admit that I DO enjoy busting the balls of those who think Obama can walk on water. He's a fucking politician, not a savior, and the best thing I can say for the guy is that he's opened the door for a black Democrat I actually like. Keep an eye on this guy.

To the extent that I make fun of Obama more than McCain, well, he gives me more material. I have tried to balance it. Cult leaders are just funnier than crazy old men married to Glen Close look-alikes.