1) What drug exactly is she fucked up on? Is it really just meth, or other things? Honestly, she looks "too good" to be a total meth head tweaker, especially at her age and what not....

2) People do drugs for one all encompassing reason (every other reason is secondary to this): Drugs Make you feel GOOD, mmmkay? From Booze, to Pot, to Meth, to Coke, to Smack, to Pills, etc. But it is the law of diminishing returns at work again...the more you do and the longer you go trying to maintain that good feeling, the less it actually works and the more your body's chemistry morphs into something different that NEEDS the drug to simply function.

Life is not fair, and all people are not created equal. Some people are able to live long producitve lives while functioning as users or even addicts. They are able to enjoy the pleasure of whatever chemical they like without wrecking their lives or others. It may be a case of stronger character, higher intellignce, greater constituion or all of the above. Simply put, some people can "Have their cakefarts, and smell them too..." I think the character aspect is the clincher....if a person is basically a GOOD person inside, not totally selfish and with some work ethic, they are more likely to be able to have the VICE of chemicals and not have it be a total trainwreck. It is by no means absolute, but it is a big factor.

BUT...when the person who decides to enjoy chemicals in their life happens to be a selfish, damaged, lazy or otherwise corrupt person like Chasey apparently is, the drugs simply accelerate the negative aspects of her personality and result in a terrible spectacle. Chasey is 37 and has been doing this for a long time...I remember reading before that she has OD'd a number of times. She simply LOVES the feeling the drugs provide her, even if those feelings now only last a short time and result in her being a detriment to others the rest of the time.

it is the classic story: A long time ago when she was young, Chasey discovered several things...1) Drugs make you feel great .. 2) Porn is a easy way to make money ...3) Drugs make it easy to make PORN .. 4) Making a lot of porn allows you to make a lot of money which allows you to buy a lot of drugs ...5) During those times when she is OFF for the day and doesnt have to shoot porn, she can go to upscale places while totally high, and that false sense of "Having it all" while she shops on Rodeo Drive or in the Nord makes her crave that life even more. When she goes to a club totally high and feeling GREAT, she dances the night away thinking she is set for life, doing porn, doing drugs and living how she wants to live....but by age 37 where she is now, all she is doing is "CHASING" those early heady days when life was fucking great, but because she is essentially a selfish person, thats all she cares about and fuck everything or everyone else.

Chasey stopped maturing when she did her first drug at age 21....(? I am guessing?) she is a 21 year old girl in a 37 year old hags body.

But truthfully, Holly's way is ultimately the best way to go...it is no skin off anyone's back to cut people some slack especially if you are not vested in the person in any direct way. What harm is it? I have enough sympathy to go around for everyone, but I will only give my Money/resources to those who truly need it, like NICE whores with kind dispositions

Are you gonna eat that?