

The COD was our nickname for Luke's camera. It was never a separate website. To avoid further ridicule on this board, PM me with any questions and I'll answer them. I was confused when I first came here, too...

Thanks! I even told Luke once he should make his camera of death website into a mainstream celebrity version of camera of death.

I actually had dinner with Luke tonight and we talked about that. He gave up trying to use his COD on mainstream event red carpets because he couldn't get any bad photos of the celebrities. They're too pretty, and too groomed for publicity photos-- in short, they know what they're doing and thus it's difficult to catch them off guard. On the other hand, a lot of girls at porn events look like they got dressed in the dark and are usually hyped up on drugs/booze/attention so they're all over the place.
I really try to retain a respectful distance from my models, even when I'm lubing up their pussies.