

racketeering and money laundering

Could somebody define racketeering and give me a real world example of
money laundering.

A racket is an illegal business. Engaging in a racket is called racketeering. A business (or production) created for the purpose of laundering money is an illegal business whether or not an actual salable product is created.

A porn example of a porn money laundering scheme:
You give me $100,000 to make an adult movie. I over-blow the budget everywhere and all the extra cash get pocketed. Then sales are overblown as well to justify even more cash as the "profit". Otherwise called "cooking the books".

Why? You got some $$$$$ to hide? (not that I'm offering, just curious)
I'd rather be ignorant than stupid. Ignorance implies a lack of knowledge which is easily correctable through education. Stupidity implies an inability to learn. Therefore; ignorance is temporary, stupidity is forever!