Cleetus VanDamme


Saw this last night.

Hated that flick- what did you think of it MK?

This was a slasher flick, so there's only so much that you can expect from it. It started out good, but then got silly midway through it. Then the ending sucked. One of the good things about this movie were the gore effects. It was refreshingly absent of any CGI. They looked like something that Tom Savini might have done. I think when the girl found out who she really was, it was kinda interesting. The thing I disliked the most was that it had another one of those cheesy girl-power endings. Which was very boring, predictable, and anti climatic.

To me, a good ending is something like Steven King's The Mist, or The Strangers. Either it should end in doom and nobody gets out alive, or be heavily ironic, and depressive. Unhappy endings are always better IMO.