
Just watched that. It was ok. I started to itch a lot afterward though.

The Mist
Not bad. I expected a bad 'The Fog' rip-off because I was unfamiliar with the Stephen King story and just by the looks of it, it could have been just that. But it wasn't (if anything more of a cloverfield vibe. but not in the way it was filmed, but if you check it out you'll get what i mean.)

coming off of 'Bug' it's getting kinda annoying, these movies where events happen but are not fully explained, only hinted at. bah.

Next Avengers
Why was this even made? There are so much more worthier superhero shit to do than this. The only cool thing is the Hulk.

Baby Mama
crap. I dig Dax Shepard but this is crap.

The Promotion
More crap. Sticking your hand down a running garbage disposal is more entertaining than this.

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