
The one where Kevin Costner builds a baseball diamond in his corn field.
I'm a total sucker for this kind of father-son maudlin shit.

Why do you hate it?
I'm just curious, I respect your opinion.

I found it extremely contrived and annoying. I don't know whether I can be more specific than that. I hate baseball, and I hate crap like this desperately attempting to be beautiful and miraculous. I bet even M Night Shyamalan rolled his eyes when they started the "Build it and they will come" mantra.

One of the last films I watched was an interesting little documentary about some geezer with a serious prostitute addiction titled I am a Sex Addict. Goes highly recommended to Da Burglar.

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I hit her with the hammer on top of the head. She made a lot of noise and kept on making noise, so I hit her again.