
Does OS X 10.6 run OK with only 2GB of RAM?

It does. I'm not expecting it to handle anything too resource intensive, just something to handle tasks between the iPhone and the Pro at home; rough drafts and mockups. Something more portable than a standard laptop, running OSX, that can run specific software unavailable for the iPad.


I dunno.. I have a sony vaio for work.. It sucks like any and all laptops do. I do more with my phone than I do with that piece of shit but it was given to me for work so that's how it is. It's basically an email application that I can ignore because it doesn't vibrate or ring. Why does anyone buy a laptop?. Is traffic that bad that you can't ever sit down at home?. Bizarre.

I would have agreed with all that a few months ago, but I'm now in a position where I can't be at my desktop at all times and the phone can't run the applications I need.

Never underestimate LA traffic.
Jeff Jordan: "Common man from LA"