
Prilosec 40mg (non generic) is $684.99 at my local CVS, I tried them for a while, they didnt help me.... for a prescription of 90....I was advised to take 2x a day.

Aciphex 20 mgs. 1x a day (non generic) is $542.32 at my local CVS, they work on me much better than Prilosec....prescription of 100, so I get three months worth for that amount, not too bad.

Nexium 40 mgs 2 x a day (non generic) is $556.99 at my local CVS, they work the least best on me.... again a prescription of 90. I have a tear in my esophagus that needs to be repaired, but Im scared shit.

I stick to the Aciphex. GERD is a muthafucker.
I dont mind paying as long as I dont feel like Im having a heart attack even after drinking a glass of water. Stay away from coffee, menthol cigarettes, tomatoes, chocolate, all the good shit. I cant give up my coffee and my Newport 100's. So I suffer.

with my Insurance I only pay the deductible of 500.00 per year and then the rest is 10.00 co pay for drs visits and 5.00 for brand name and 3.00 for generic which I never take......First script is over 500.00 so I meet it quickly in the beginning of the year.

I empathize with all you GERD sufferers

Damn girl where is that CVS ? The pills should wipe your ass for you at that price. If you have a tear in your esophagus get that shit fixed. Throat cancer is ten times the mother fucker GERD ever thought about being.
I may not know arse but I know what I like !