99% chance you've got about the muscle density of someone 100lbs lighter than you if this is your first foray into the ggm.

you need to find someone to teach you how to do squats and deadlifts, hang cleans, or power cleans with the right form.
people are happy to help-look for the guy in the cage moving decent weight without his knees extending way forward while keeping his back and stomach straight through parallel.

then stick to compound movements-rows and pullups are going to do the same thing curls do but involve your back, one of the places where you'll develop a muscle that's capable of adding 20x the weight as just doing curls. the other thing you need to be doing is a pushing movement(you worked the quads, hamstrings, abs and back by keeping the weight from b bending you over in the squat rack, and the pullups/downs/rows will do your lats, rear delts, biceps and to a degree your traps ALREADY) so all that's left is a pushing movememnt-meaning a combination of dips(they have machines that help assist you) and flat and incline bench/dumbell presses with as much weight as you can handle.

in fact, for the first 2 weeks do 2-3 sets of squats with a weight that you can't lift more than 10 times one day, 2-3 sets of pulldowns/ups from 10-8-6 reps each set a little heavier then another day do the same 10-8-6-ish mix of dips and benching.

really, ask people there and you will get help and don't kill yourself in one day. split it up into like, a leg day, a pull-day, and a push-day with as much weight as you can handle and you'll start putting on muscle-mass fast because you'rethe right age hormonally.

that muscle mass that you'll start putting on won't make you a pro wrestler because you don't have rare genetics and 100x a safe dose of dianbol.

it WILL burn fat 24 hours a day for you. cardio is great-but REALLY THINK ABOUT THE NUMBERS OF EXTRA CALORIES YOU'RE LOSING FROM YOUR DAY.


you live in nyc and you're probably weaker than someone much lighter than you that worked out before this week, not even heavily.

make sure you get some skim milk and a multiviamin and that's all you need to "supplement" yourself if you're willing to get sore and make sure you're days are hypocaloric. you're young and new to things-you can lose weight while putting on "good" body-mass to help you lose more weight at the same time.

go do some cardio, kep the lifting to compound movememnts with heavy weights and don't ever work the same muscle group within 48 hours of the last time you did.

so 6 days a week of a few hard sets of 10-6 reps doesn't take long in the gym and you'll have recovery time where the muscle fibers repair thmeselves on that schedule. do cardio some-just remember it takes EONS to work off the calories of a big meal while you'l; do better adding muscle that burns fat all the time for you without becoming a hamster.

i do jumprope for like 15 mins a day max and it's as anaerobic as aerobic, but keeps me quick and i occasionally clean the lungs out reading on the recumbant-I just made it a habit to work out a little but hard 4 days a week minimum, you won't need snake oil and hours on the treadmill if you stop eating shit and make it enough of a habit that popping into the gym and getting stronger becomes fun for you and you'll do better than herbal stimulants and getting burned-out and eventually quitting doing longass cardio work to burn off a snicker's bar.
"She has no waist, no arse...an interesting face...but all we are really worshipping is two bags of silicone"

Martin Amis "honoring" katie price with a character bearing some of her traits