
Alex, don't waste your time on all these supplements and potions.

It doesn't burn fat, but if you want to try an appetite suppressant, you might want to pick up some Hoodia. Just make sure it's the real stuff. 1,000mg about an hour before each meal with a glass of water. If it works for you, you'll completely lose interest in eating.

It is expensive though ($30 for 60 pills). I bought mine by happenstance when I saw it near the check-out at the grocery. Someone must have seen how expensive it was and changed their mind about buying it. You shouldn't take it at the same time as alcohol, but when I've taken my full daily dose I've noticed this is the only thing that can kill that late-night drunk craving for food.

The brand I bought was Hoodia Health - Hoodia 500
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.