my old drug dealers didn't like being called, he'd go for a walk and let you know shit came in and where you were going to pick it up. no fucking around with asking them for anything but weight and knowing they wanted to see you had access to cash. i no longer have a phone full of russians with expensive amounts of narcotics of notable quality and the shrewdness to secure the location they'd drive you to, which if i'd been hot cops would either be walking into a turkeyshoot and they'd be dead with their witness or they'd have to call in choppers, boats and swat trucks that'd give them away and they'd kill their witness a few days later after a joy-ride with no deal. smart guys.
"She has no waist, no interesting face...but all we are really worshipping is two bags of silicone"

Martin Amis "honoring" katie price with a character bearing some of her traits