i love the over the top responses of the white men to anything black-related on this whole board. their ability to be so reactionary, insecure and oblivious enables them to believe that black men are really and truly stealing everything that by birthright belongs to us. and i aint talking bout white bitches.

tritone's every post brings down the white hammer. racial slurs, psychotic accusations of black men being to blame for everything from health crises to the steady erosion of standards in this great land, assertions that black people are, in fact, genetically inferior. this is all employed against tritone, because he is a racist for wanting to see vile, stupid, less-than-human porn whores fuck black men. for shame, tritone. suck it up and stop crying, like us. never mind that it's a whole lot easier to just suck it up and make due, like white men do, when you've always had the advantages of being, you know, a white man.
They're all human beings, and though she may be a liar and a manipulator, it's probably because she doesn't know any other way to survive.