
All I can say is I wish the ex fucktoy formerly known as Sierra Sinn the best of luck... Anybody who escapes porn alive is ok by me.

I second that.

But I'll still stir the pot.

New/final blog post at http://www.myspace.com/xxxsierrasinnxxx

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Current mood: blessed
Category: Life

So...just wanted 2 do an update cause I know it has been such a very long time...
1. I quit porn almost a year ago! And I could not be happier!! I will never ever ever ever ever ever even think about going back to that disgusting industry...
2. I do not blame porn for all the problems of my life not even..I know that I have made a lot of mistrakes on my own..but I will say that pornography amplified my problems and created even more new ones...that I have since gotten past and continue to improve myself as a person!
3. My clothing line is starting to take off. My very own designs are being printed on to tee shirts...I wish I could show them to u now, but they r not copyrighted yet. It is not exactly a fast process...but they will be available 2 the public within the year!!! Look out ed hardy...I am about to take over!! And I will have distribution on both east and west coasts....as well as a brand new fully functional website.
3. I am working @ a high end grocery store making good money and learning a lot about the effects that good food have on your body as well as ways to improve the environment!! Recycling is my newest passion
And u should all do it and do it right!!!
4. I moved!!! I got the heck out of the most stressful, disgusting, stuck up their own butt place I have ever had the horror of visiting...I am home!! My family loves me more than ever and believe me when I say that the feeling is mutual!!
5.I am a killer dj...I spin vinyl.(to all the lame haters with nothing better to do with their lives than talk crap about a girl getting on with her life..u know who u r!!!)I am a REAL dj that plays shows and I am working on my first cd...yea music PRODUCTION...and I am very happy with the progress!!
6.my daughter is the most intelligent and beautiful little girl in the whole world..but u will never see her. Cause I will never ever put her on the internet even on my top secret profile that none of u will ever even know about!! She is far to special to let any creeps get ahold of even a glimpse of her stunning radience.
7. I am not doing any drugs...I quit smoking ciggarettes. Alcohol. And the anti anxiety medication a doctor in cali perscribed me. I don't need those crutches anymore..pot..I haven't completly given up...never will...but there are many days between tokes for me...I honestly haven't smoked pot since I have been in pennsylvania! Woooohaaa!!
8. I have not nor will I ever steal! Those hurtful internet rumors are bullcrap...and the people that realy know me know that is a fact!! The whole skeeter's blockbuster card thing wasn't me! It was people I was living with.. And it doesn't really matter anyway. As far as I am concerned, that evil old disgusting and BALD!!!! Man had it comming...he destroyed many peoples lives and is a miserable old alcoholic!! I pray for his soul. I hope that one day he too can see the error in is ways and repent his sins to god or at least stops being such a monster. Yes god bless u 2 skeeter!!!
9. I also want to say I am sorry 2 anyone that I may have hurt along the path of my downward spiral! I truly am sorry and I hope that one day you can forgive me. But even if u can't find compassion and forgiveness in your heart. I sleep well at night knowing that I have forgiven myself. And more importantly so has god!!
10..this one is for shelly!!!
I LOVE U SHELLY LUBBEN!!!!! U were a rock for me to hold onto as I climbed my way out of a life of pain and destruction. U were a sholder for me to cry on when the pain of "real life" got to hard. And u still are one of the most amazingly kind, understanding, honest, and generous people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting...I couldn't have done it with out u shellz!!! And if u need anything u can count on me!!! I love u girl!
11. I am gonna get married ...not like tomorrow. Or even next week..probly not for a year or 2 but I have found my soulmate. He loves me for me..he knows my past but doesn't hold it over my head..he too has helped me to become a better person. And he loves my baby girl!!

I have a lot of options for my future! Between the clothing line and the djing I can make it big time...but honestly I would settle for living on a farm growing my own food and having a million babies!!!
No matter what does happen for me down the road...I know that I have god in my heart, great people by my side, A strong mind and clear head!!! My future is so bright!!!!

I probly will not ever check this myspace again...it has a lot of bad memories for me...but if u r not some hater just trying to find something to pick me apart with...feel free to keep in touch with me on my other myspace page!!!

Thanks a lot for taking the time to read my update!!! And god bless

Ps...to all the haters....I forgive u!! And god will 2, if u ask!

One love!!!!