As an editor myself I cannot take it anymore without saying something. It is one of the easiest things to deal with, but seems either unimportant or difficult for whoever edits these movies. I'm talkin' about the audio. I know that since they are doing alot of talking and directing during the scene that they have to dub in some background sound to cover for those times. However, they constantly continue to use about a 5 second audio clip to cover for these areas. Its so annoying because the editor does not choose a portion of audio that is silent, background sound. Instead he uses a clip that has clearly audible sounds, like talking, slight moaning, or even the sound of someone saying "you gotta give me room bro". You keep hearing it throughout the whole scene. Its so annoying I find myself turning the sound down.
All they need to do is record some room tone before or after the scene where nobody is saying anything and use that!!
Please stop using some audible sounds and looping them over and over to cover your directing! I beg! I'd prefer to hear all the natural directing than some annoying looping sound bite.
Finally I go tthat off my chest. I'll gladly edit these videos myself if they want.
Oh and one other thing...
Why is it that every time they have some kind of sign or written material in the Gokkun series, they spell it Gokkum with an M, when it had always been Gokkun with an N?
Does japan have some kind of copyright on the word Gokkun?