^^ I think I've been to that particular John's pizza a few years back. I thought it was good, but not great. The young Hungarian waitress working there was hot as hell though. I'd really like to try some of the elite NY pizzas whenever I make it back there. Lombardi's, Grimaldi's, DiFara's in Brooklyn, Una Pizza Napoletana. The main thing that gives these places their great pizza is the fact that (for the most part), they use super hot coal-fired ovens.

They can cook a pizza at 900° for 2 minutes or less versus cooking it in your home oven at 550° for 7 minutes. That heat makes the dough spring up higher and cooks the pizza before the crust starts to dry out. Heat is what keeps homemade pizza a notch below the truly great pizza places. But you can still most likely do better than almost any delivery store, especially crap like Pizza Hut.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.