
The word "casserole" in a recipe is a warning sign for most people.

For Gigi, she starts preheating the oven, opens the Corningware cupboard and audits her canned soup/snack chip/cooking spray inventory in a meth-like obsessive frenzy!

casseroles are yummy and comfortable. my mother never cooked, ever, so perhaps i am overcompensating by cooking out of carol brady's cookbook. i don't care. it makes me feel good making that shit and that's what matters. i only post what i cook here because i can feel you guys roll your eyes and chuckle every time you picture me opening a can of condensed cream of mushroom soup with my five dollar can opener. and yes, OF COURSE my pantries are obsessively stocked, stacked and arranged with precision only a tweaker could appreciate. i'd like to think that my methamphetamine habit was good for SOMETHING. and it was. and don't knock corningware. if it was good enough for alice to use for the bradys, it is certainly enough for me. maybe you should try some. perhaps it would make your food look more appetizing. can anyone tell that i spoke to my fucking bitchass mother yesterday and i'm in a really bad fucking mood? god i hate that cunt.
"I'm going to spend the rest of the weekend deep frying the fuck out of anything that gets in my way." --Handful