Smut I wondered why after all this time you were still so.... marginal and insignifigant and now I know.It isn't because you made a bad career choice,there are plenty of people who have risen to prominance by piggybacking off the labor of others as "critics" of something or other. Those people critique their chosen medium with a fair impartial eye and among those who stand out in the field,DO RESEARCH before they report on a subject. You are either lazy or stupid or bitter or most likely all three. It would have taken two minutes of search on this board for you to accurately post about my retirement or any of your ridiculous claims about Brandon,but the fact that you chose not to only futher verifies how far out of the loop you are and will let others know what a source of bad intel you actually are. The bullshit that streams forth from you wouldn't even make good gossip fodder.
I am certain I have made every point I need to regarding you and would never feel a need to defend myself,my porn career nor least of all my cock to any angry little insignificant,dirty basement dwelling raincoater such as yourself.Go ahead and post after this with hope that it is some sort of victory for you when in reality if you read this thread you will know that you verified everything I've said about you. Lastly revel in your failure and be grateful that it serves to keep you safe, because as long as you are a failure you will never have to worry about running into me anywhere and answering for any of the lies you've posted about me or anyone I care about.....
I've wasted ten more minutes out of my life than you deserve or will ever waste again.... you should get one....a life.... one in which you get your facts straight....come out of the basement... the sun is shining ... there are real women out there too,not just the ones on your sticky screen... Its ok you can come out, just cross the street if you see me
"I hope someone runs you over with their car."-guapo