Oh well. I like Tommy, but he's going to learn the hard way that being a meat puppet and having sex with porn girls and representing them are two completely different things.

After representing Goldstar Modeling for this long, I tell anyone interested in being an agent to forget it. The money isnt worth the hassle. If you're going to have 5-10 girls, its rather easy but once you push past 20, it becomes worse than herding cats.


I heard through the grape vine that its illegal for a talent manager to charge more than 10%, or did this have to do only with licensed and bonded agencies (which I imagine they all have to be within California but the law is never enforced)?

Thats not true. But if an agent isnt licensed and bonded and they are brought before the Labor Board, they will have to disgorge all booking fees. Im about to file against an unlicensed agent for just this. He's looking at paying the girl back about $16,000 between agent fees and producer fees.


Michael www.AdultBizLaw.com