
I'm just reporting what they're fighting about on Wikipedia. The Bahai squabblers say she admitted to being born into Bahai, but said in an interview that she thought it was a cult. I'd definitely surmise you can't be a porn whore AND a Bahai. That's like being a Hare Krishna and doing Reverse Bukkakes. The community doesn't approve--at least about it being on video.

Yeah, that'd be a good analogy for wikipedia as well, porn whores lie and wikipedia distorts the truth, though the story is pretty fishy, maybe Tor was behind it or it was a flimsy attempt to start over again. Whatever the case, I wish Haley the best wherever ever she may be though irononicly I tried contacting her on Aug 24 to see if she was ok because I hadn't heard from her in awhile and had an inexplicable feeling about her. Usually I hear something back, but not this time. It's all surreal and that is all I'll say until the mystery is solved.

"I only insult those who deserve it." - Alfred E. Neuman