

Stevie, they've got nothing on the Guild of Calamitous Intent from The Venture Brothers.

Conky, I always liked your COD commentary; now I really think you rule! The Venture Bros are the best! I can't wait to see what happens to Hank and Dean, Dr. Girlfriend and The Monarch next spring when the 3rd season starts. I have been trying to turn people on to that show for a while.

I agree. Venture Bros is the best and funniest animated series ever. I was just watching the one where the Monarch and his internet girlfriend go on a double date with Phantom Limb and Dr Girlfriend (I love her dirty pillows). Classic. I can't wait for the next season. Frisky Dingo is also great, if you haven't seen it yet. Go to YouTube and watch the entire first season. Killface rules.