
A few minutes after I had cum, the mess was cleared and we had cuddled, [I'm an odd guy that enjoys an after sex cuddle], I would interupt her smoking or whatever to start my intrigue.

Gently kissing the girl, taking the girls hand, and kissing it. I'd lick her finger. I'd lick the ring. Then I'd pause while catching her eyes.

"You don't want to be wearing this now," said with the company of smiles, winks and soft kisses. And, then gently coaxing the ring(s) representing her promises from her fingers. And, then place them somewhere, usually far from her reach but not out of her sight.

You could sense the chill in the air as they comtemplated their treason. Almost always the breathing would change. Occassionally a tear would fall. I would playfully kiss them and tease them for being oh so silly.

I always preferred doggy for my "seconds" and did this with lots of spanking and clit rubs. I often fantasied that their men were forced to watch and didn't want them to see that in my face.

I was always better for them this second time. And, I think the more I hated, the better I was.

God I miss that.

If you haven't already read this. Jhumpa Lahiri is stroke material for days.
I hit her with the hammer on top of the head. She made a lot of noise and kept on making noise, so I hit her again.