RE: The "Barnyard" vs. Columbia discussion in Spitzer's thread:

There was a blue-eyed blonde yid cutie who worked for an internet company I was with who graduated from "Barnyard" who would tell me she went to Columbia. Guys use to call her "widebutt" because of her ample buttocks ... and it was a play on her last name.

She was one of those "sweet" innocent-type girls who liked "stuffies" and would dress as a princess at Halloween. One day while riding up the manual freight elevator I told my assistant - who was a good friend of hers - how adorable I thought "widebutt" was. She decided in a fit of bitchy Czech jealousy to bury my illusions by telling me how much "widebutt" liked to take it up the ass.

It was quite a shocker. The name "Widebutt" now had more meaning than ever - and due to some fat guy's blabbings - became a more universally used nickname for her.

I think she married some sheygets from Carnegie-Mellon and moved with him to Canada.
Amo i Gemelli!! wink