Pretty good.

Been working on my book ... but so far I think it sucks .. sucks BAD ... the dyke that's looking it over for my "partner" says it "reminds me of James Joyce". I think that was supposed to be a compliment, but I never cared for Joyce.

My mom backed out on a friend and didn't go to Kravits Center in West Palm. The friend died in a car accident when some bimbalee latina rammed into their car "driving while cellphoning".

Story to click, if interested.

They made her friend 86 when she was 76. I think that might have made her angrier than being killed.

It seems that my stepdad likely has pancreatic cancer. He's going for more tests. He's afraid of dying. Honestly, I'm sure he never thought about the fact he was going to die until a week or so ago. That's so odd to me.

My landlord told me today that she's not increasing my rent until I'm doing better. That was a welcomed surprise. She's been very nice to me lately. I'm not sure what I did to deserve such nice treatment. She did try to evict me in 2005. Maybe it was because I was a complete dick in 2005.

I've regrown my beard, but I'm going to shave it off on Tuesday, I think.

I've been thinking alot about a girl I used to know that I completely blew it with. God, I'm an idiot.

I haven't downloaded any porn in over a month. I'm totally bored with porn at the moment.

I seem to watch the last drive from the Super Bowl on Tivo every day. I haven't rewatched Mike'd Up though. Next month I might get around to burning the episodes of "The War" I tivo-ed a while back. I also have the film "Bully" to re-watch. I have a thing for Bijou Phillips.

Basically, I'm just looking forward to the baseball season.

Amo i Gemelli!! wink