From the thread in the other section:


Whoa Whoa, you don't pay me, the producers do. You pay the retail store or the online distributor. They pay the producers.

You act as if I need to explain myself for your disappointment in my overall performing.

There is no consequence to me of your opinion be it positive or negative.

So now I have to assume that you're just plain jealous and can't handle the fact that I get to perform regularly. If you don't like it, don't buy it.

Now this is obviously an argument that does not hold up to scrutiny. As I clearly state in my post preceeding your response I am INDIRECTLY paying you. That is, the producers take my - the apying customer's - money and pay you with it. Surely we don't have to argue about this connection in the business process?
WARP SPEED (you better believe it)