I think in his own Freudian way he has already fessed up to his Oedipal plight.

I Don't Really Need a Woman

Not so much Freudian as a complete epiphany's declaration.

The man cannot sustain a long term healthy relationship with a woman. His Evangelical crusade against porn WOMEN just illustrates his psychosis.

He says it himself. "I don't really need a woman" "I have my mommy"

Why does a Healthy man need a woman? Sex and Companionship.

He obviously has a huge problem with sexualized women hence his work in this industry. In order to own his mother he has to eliminate his father. Poor Rev Desmond.

Using the word "mommy" shows that this psychosis has its beginnings in his childhood. Didn't his biological mother die at an early age? Correct me if I'm wrong. If she did, then he obviously harbors resentment towards his father for it; if not faulting him completely.

Edited by Karma'sFist (09/02/07 01:52 AM)