From Luke's blog today:

HollyRandall: Cytherea called my mother. She gave birth a few weeks ago, and she’s got a healthy, happy baby. Her husband got a job, and they have their own place now. She loves being a mother, and she was so grateful to have gotten out of Los Angeles. Apparently it was quite an emotional phone call, and she thanked Suze (and everyone who donated towards her move) for helping her get back to Utah. She said she’s even given up smoking cigarettes.

And from Luke's blog on May 31:

In order to send Cytherea back to her mother’s house in Salt Lake City, she’s [Suze Randall] shelled out $1780 for a Uhaul truck and gas, plus movers...So far, Suze has been promised over $1,000 in contributions from Ginger Lynn, Ron Jeremy, Michael Ninn, Larry Flynt, Teresa Flynt, Patrick Collins and Paul Fishbein.

I don't want to take cheap shots at anyone, but it does seem to me that the amount of help that a porn whore gets when she exits the business is inversely proportional to the effort the helper puts into publisizing themselves. Shelly wants everyone to know that you can send send Walmart cards to her, while Suze skips the self-advertisement and just shells out $1700 of her own money.

Every gay porno contains someone's son. I've seen articles describing the problems of ex-porn whores from the male homosexual side of the business. Their stories are pretty much the same as the girls. I don't know, so I'm just asking: Are the Christian saviors of porn whores seeking out homosexual guys and offering their help? Does God want you to take his message to fags, or only to cute girls?

Periodically you read about an ex-porn whore who lost their job when their past was discovered. In some cases they've ended up back in porn. Recently a woman lost her job as a science teacher, which was supporting her and helping to support her two children. Are any Christians taking the gospel of forgiveness and redemption to the people who want to deny jobs to ex-performers? Are any Christians standing up for people who turned their lives around, struggled to earn their way through college, and who are now being denied the opportunity to do productive work and support their families? Or is the Christian response "Once a porn whore, always a porn whore"?

Just asking.