
is it me, or am I noticing that it's pretty much the people that make dollars OFF camera that are jumping in and ripping this girl? except gia of course, who maybe even doesn't do scenes any more? the only self-professed on camera person (that I know of) so far has been supportive of this persons right to make her own decision.

I think you guys have every right to defend your industry against shelley lubbin, but maybe you could lay off the easy targets like jersey. a simple "thanks, don't let the door hit you in the ass" would probly do, then you can go back to driving your big cars and gloating about how big a player you all are..

Finally something sensible.
Self-deception facilitates harm to others and to oneself, undermines autonomy, corrupts conscience, violates authenticity, and manifests a vicious lack of courage and self-control that undermines the capacity for compassionate action.