



Ok, I'm going to try to be serious for a moment here. This thread is a great beauty and filled with as much dysfuntion as one could ever ask for from a board such as XXXTP. Therefore, I almost feel like a party pooper but it really has to be said: Kurt, can't you see that everybody here is having a laugh at your expense? They say something totally outrageous - what it is doesn't really matter - and then you spend huge amounts of text to throw fit after fit trying to reason with them. But you can't reason with them because they're not serious from the get go - they're mocking you! They get off of seeing you get upset and kick and scream. Is it not obvious to you that you are playing right into these people's hands?

With THAT avatar, you are getting "serious?" W-ever. Nice try, buddy. The only one laughin here is me (and my supporters). This is big, bad xpt? Whatafuckinjoke. I shoud've done this ages ago. Seriously, what's your real name, bro? I'd love to know...

My name is Johan Andersson. What you gonna do about it?

Assuming you have the guts to tell the truth. Ok, while we're at it. Let's see if you're full of shit. Or not. You in L.A. or are you just another stupid fanboy somewhere else in the world talking shit and acting like you have importance because you post in a hater forum, you fucking no-life shithead.

I live in Sweden. Surely your buddies have some fighter friends over here?
WARP SPEED (you better believe it)