Ok, now I have a question for strictly the "haters." This is NOT a rant. It's my last post of the night and then I'm going out for sushi and Forbidden City tonight. It's long because it needs to be.
It's gotta be more than or at least close to a year since the whole "all caps" thing, right? It's been awhile. I know that for sure.
My question is this: What the fuck are you guys still doing here?
If you think you're winning, my question is this: what are you winning exactly? In the year or so it's been since our last "discussion," I have directed movies, travelled the world, made a lot of money, and yes, had sex with the women of your dreams and I come back here nearly an entire YEAR later and look at you, haters. Still here. Still bitchin'. Still congratulating each other with bullshit "stars" for fifth grade level insults with little cartoons. WTF? How do you NOT feel ridiculous? How old are you people? It's fucking pathetic. I'm gonna gonna try to say this as sincerely as possible because, honestly from one human being to another. All this anonymous hate is such a waste of your blessed minutes on this Earth. We've all lost loved ones, right. If they could come back for one minute do you think they'd post here? That's how precious life should be taken IMHO. There is a big, bright world out there with a helluva lot more fun shit in it to do then post shit about me or anyone else who doesn't have anything to do with your life. I know some of you will say, "Yes, but this isn't ALL that I do, just occasionally." Even that amount of time anonymously spreading hate is just a stupid, lazy waste. I'll report back again in another year to see if you've wasted another of your finite number of trips around the sun on this bullshit. We'll keep score..