
Kurt, why do you go ballistic about a mostly positive review?

Does this mean that professionally you are above criticism and anyone who thinks otherwise is in error?

I don't know who Dean Wormer is. Is this Astroknight? If so, it wasn't just that review, you are one of the "critics" who painstakingly has gone out of their way more times than I can count to take cheap shots at me in your reviews. When it came to your "review" of my feature, L.A. VICE and I read the same crap you always pull with me, I thought you deserved to hear from me in a tone appropos to someone who has had enough of your cheapshot b.s. thrown at them. You could've asked me then what probs I had with your review specifically but instead you did what? Ran for cover and posted my e-mail in the safety of your little hater nest where everyone goes "there there" and strokes your head because that mean ol' Kurt Lockwood DARED to take umbrage to your many cheapshots that have taken place over YEARS. Boo fucking hoo. I guess you don't like to be reviewed yourself?