
Paula, I don't recall specifically identifying Kurt's portly female followers in my reply to him. I'm sure if he feels he needs your support, he'll call on you.

I suggest you try the movies of Candida Royalle if you want to watch porn aimed at women. Otherwise, the products you're so intent on viewing are in the main aimed at men. As someone who works in the industry, I should have a clue about that.

As for my 'so called hate' for Kurt, firstly, where have I ever stated that I hate Kurt? You reinforce this bizarre reasoning that to criticize Kurt or to disagree with 'His' opinions is the same as hating him.

I find this to be a genuinely alarming tactic and something very, very reminiscent of Islamic Fundamentalism or the tricks applied by the religious Right wing.

Get over yourself, Paula. Some of us don't hate Kurt. Some of just wish he'd wake up, smell the coffee and behave like a mature adult more of the time. Hate's a very strong emotion, and one I wouldn't want to waste on something as insignificant as a man who spends his day having sex for money.

Another five paragraphs, Condy? In the same day? The thread isn't even about you. Wow , you really have no life at all outside this forum, do you?