

]Hi Kurt,

Do you think you could give us your take on why there is this contingent in the adult adustry--clearly well-represented here at XPT--that so singularly dislikes you? What is drawing the ire, in your view?

Please forgive the length but it deserves a full answer.
Most have fantasized about being a porn star. They won't ever admit it but to some degree we all know it is at least somewhat about jealousy. Plus, it's not just me that they hate (near the top tho I may be). The haters actually pretty much hate most all of us guys and only like a very short list and even that list is different for each poster.
It's also because I stand up for myself, and I promote my projects and for guys, that paints a big target on you. Guys are supposed to be seen and not heard. Well, I call bullshit. My punk rock roots taught me to keep your integrity and self-respect above all other things (Thank you forever, Dee Dee).
And obviously, of course because I did strap on scenes which in the haters' misplaced, rampant, homophobic fury they tried to "Matthew Shephard" me (ncluding actual death threats and murder fantasies-some from this very board), tho how any kind of sex between just a man and a woman can be called gay is beyond most of the educated, non-conservative world.
And lastly, I think it's also somewhat that the hater posters have this bizarre obsession/repulsion with porn and it's players which I think IMHO is in direct correlation with their own obsession/repulsion about themselves and porn. Don't you think it's at least a little bizarre that all of these grown, mostly middle-aged men who are not in the biz at all yet voraciously live for gossip to an encyclopedic extent about people that they will never know? Why are they sooo completely apeshit ga ga for it and not their own lives? I mean c'mon, forget strap ons, where's the masculinity in gossiping everyday like little old ladies in a sewing circle?

Aw, Kurt, I really have to take you to task with this one, since no one else has.

First up, today, anyone can be a porn stud, same as any asshole with a MiniDV can call themselves a director. We both know it's true. Back in the day, when guys like PT, Ronnie, Jamie etc. were working, they truly could be called Porn Stars. They came on set and did their shit because they were horny motherfuckers, and they did it without using erectile dysfunction medication. Now, any putz can walk on to a set and, thanks to Viagra and steroids, he can slap the shit out of a girl and fuck her for 10 hours while the rest of us stand around waiting for him to cum.

It's never been easier to be a porn stud, thanks to myriad back yard operations, web outfits, you name it. So why would anyone be jealous of your ability to do a job that actually requires very little skill, other than moving your leg the fuck out the way for a low shot?

Yes, guys are supposed to be seen and not heard. I note a large gay following from the comments on your MySpace page. Good luck to you, but the primary buyers of adult movies are adult males and a great majority of them are far more interested in who you're fucking. Not you. The move to try and make male porners the focus of movies is one of the things that alienates people and potential buyers of your work. Your arrogance in this is also a huge factor, because you take yourself so seriously.

You call anyone who criticizes you or who doesn't agree with your perspective a 'hater'. That just makes your arguments seem more specious because hey, not everyone hates you, but the continued reinforcement of the suggestion seems to push people in that direction.

If you think some people here are ambivalent towards pornography, then you may be on to something. But trying to suggest a deeper, more personal correlation just tells me that you're falling back on the pop psychology you picked up at college. Or from Anne Rice books.

And by the way, punk rock was big around 1977-80. Where were you?

The way this whole thing's going to go is simple. Sooner or later you'll come off whatever meds you're on, have another very public meltdown and then starting writing in all caps again. In the meantime, welcome to XPT. I hope that Ryan can read some of your posts and understand what it means to contribute rather than just go neh-neh-neh-neh over a school wall.

You really should work for the Bush administration. I mean your propensity for spreading and BELIEVING your own bullshit reaches Karl Rove-ian proportions. Well, let's tear you apart point by weak ass point, shall we?

1." today, anyone can be a porn stud-" No, anyone can TRY to be a porn stud. This shows your abundant ignorance right here. Any director working today can horrify you with endless stories of guys who THOUGHT they could be a porn stud and failed horribly, as you yourself would no doubt.

2. "he can slap the shit out of a girl and fuck her for 10 hours while the rest of us stand around waiting for him to cum"- "Us?" Who the fuck is "us?" Oh, this is good. You are including yourself in the male talent scene now? LOL. You wouldn't last ONE fucking day. This really shows your psychosis. You actually think you are one of us. What a deusional creep you are!

3. "So why would anyone be jealous of your ability to do a job that actually requires very little skill"- Once again, you're ignorance here is ass-tounding. Even other performers who hate my guts (Hi, Steve Holmes!) would take you to task on this one. It very much is a skill, again ask any director. And if you are really trying to convince anyone that NO GUY wishes that they could fuck Brianna Banks, Belladonna, etc. for a living like we male porn stars do then you are beyond all hope, and quite possibly proof you're I mean what red-blooded, pussy-crazy American male (besides you) hasn't at one point watched a porn and wished he was the guy fucking the girl. Condy, for this stupid point alone, you are a backwater idiot and this proves you are...

4. "You take yourself too seriously." No, I take my career seriously. And in porn we are our product, therefore to take my career seriously is to take myself seriously. You are dumb to not see this obvious point.

5. " Guys are to be seen and not heard." You just alienated every male perfomer with that comment. Where are you when the director is telling us to "talk it up?" Again, you just talk out of your ass just like a wannabe.

6. "I note a large gay following on your myspace." Yes, apparently you are one of them. Seriously, is there no end to your homophobia, even in the face of commerce? I see you notice the gays but failed to notice the MUCH larger contingent of women which, thanks to the internet is an every-growing market. You failing to see the larger number of women again proves you are

7. "You call anyone who doesn't like you a "hater." If the shoe fits... Those who don't hate aren't offended so it's meant to piss you off like it does Condy.

8. "Punk was big in 1977-80. Where were you?" This is your weakest argument yet. I toured. In a van. With Dee Dee Ramone. I know you are such a clueless nurd that you don't understand the punk factor of that but my punk rock credentials are golden because of it. If I was punk enough for Dee Dee, who invented punk rock, then what the fuck do I have to prove to you? A: not a damn thing. P.s My first show was MINOR THREAT in '81, bitch.

Now one for you. Do you ever realize what a chickenshit loser it makes you hurling insults anonymously? Why don't you have the guts to reveal your identity and OWN your opinions? Is it because you are afraid if you do, it wll end with you in the hospital? You're prob right. Best stay secret because only real men reveal themselves not pussy HATERS like you who most def must therefore be