Kurt, I would really hate to see how you would be if you were a celebrity in the mainstream rather than a recognizable face in the adult-entertainment world. Okay, judging by your myspace page you have quite a fan following. Cool, good for you. Why do you let the "haters" get to you so bad then? From minor criticisms to some mean jokes on the internet, why do these things get you so angry?

In porn, you mainly have adult magazines, internet forums like this and ADT, and a handful of bloggers talking about you. Some say good things, some say not so good things. And we've all seen how you handle the not so good things said about you.

Let's pretend you were a mainstream celebrity, and Conan O'Brien made a joke about you on worldwide TV. Would you confront him, rip off your shirt, and shove him around while yelling "Call me a fag now?"

What if you were directed a feature film and Mad Magazine wrote up a parody of it. Would you type up a letter in ALL-CAPS telling them it was a good movie and they have no place to make fun of it because they haven't made movies themselves?

Let's say your music career took off and you actually had a hit song(with the drivel I hear on the radio these days, I wouldn't be surprised if this actually happened). I dread to even think what you would do to Weird Al if he approached you wanting permission to do a parody of the song.

My point is this: Many other people in the entertainment business(adult and mainstream) are able to ignore the "haters"(or maybe even look at their criticisms and use them in a constructive way). Why can't you?