LOL. I love it. I've got Don/Bornyo ranting! Look how long that post is. Total fucking meltdown in two posts! Don/Bornyo, please do go on...


Sigh, poor Kurt seems to forget that I bring out the worst in him without even trying. In order then:
1) I'm not Bornyo and when I originally asked you how you arrived at the conclusion, you started your normal rambling as though a combination of meth, steroids, and other substances was working its way through your system. I saved the emails sparky. :P

2) From what I hear, your ability with a gun is akin to your other abilities so you might consider the distinctive possibility that some targets shoot back. Just a thought...

3) I'm not going to engage you in grammar flames after some of the crud you've posted over the years but if that's the best you can do, knock yourself out while others toss you about like a dried up street hustler that sucked many a dick to pay his dealers off. Whether you did that yourself or not is beside the question of course but it has come up in casual conversation a few times.

4) My comment on "winning" (had you read the entire thing) referenced winning without so much as a word written on my part. Seeing as how Bornyo had commented previously...well, I'll let someone else point it out to you after your nap and juice.

5) As far as physical attributes are concerned, when I start selling my ass to the highest bidder, it will be pertinent to discuss my attributes. Since you tentatively make a living selling yours, you are fair game when you start your bragging diatribes online and elsewhere.

6) Ratings by AVN are about as meaningful as as anything else that is bought and sold. Maybe you should ask Bo how many advertising dollars those reviews cost him before spouting off?!? Oh, and disagreeing about the quality of a movie is fair game and a number of us reviewers kid each other about specific reviews but come back when you have received some valid high scores from those without a wad of advertising dollars on the line and we'll continue talking about it. IIRC, you were the one bragging about how many copies of one of your titles were GIVEN away as though they were bought. You also managed to beg your myspace fans to buy your movies or you'd remove them...

7) Shoving is an attack according to California law. Gram did not appear to shove you so calling it a "match" seems suspect at best but your recollection of that day might be a little shaky from what I've been told by those in the industry. Funny that when Bo, Eli and I were standing right in front of you at the AEE you didn't have the nuts to speak up and/or jump me as you claimed you would "if you ever saw me again". Everyone at Sex Z Pictures had such sweet things to say about you too, want to go there next?

8) The boxing match was an idea to use your attention deficit disorder to promote a charitable cause of your own naming. You pussied out after all the big talk and gave up your chance to show us all up in the process. If you weren't about getting as much attention as possible, why did you come here, why assault Gram, why the string of "look at me, look at me" comments made in the porn press?

9) As long as I have fun reviewing, I'll keep doing it. You, on the other hand, have a countdown clock ticking every time you take a foreign object up your ass and you're on the wrong side of your sexual peak. It's a shame that you refuse to take your prescription meds for the mood swings as they weaken your other meds that keep you employed but you can't help yourself in setting yourself up for failure. As far as my job offers are concerned, I find that a steady, well paying job outside of porn suits me just fine. I've had plenty of offers but I'm not a whore like you so I keep my integrity intact whereas yours goes to the highest bidder.

Thanks for playing. Come back soon!


Oh Don, I know it must really bug the shit out of you that I exposed you for your alt-ID, Bornyo. So I can understand where all your rancor towards me comes from. I burned your cover, plain and simple. Now as to your questions. Hmmm, yes I do love my guns. Fetish? Nah, I just like to shoot. And if you'd just hold the target for me one time, I won't miss...I promise, haha. Don, you seem to think that just because you type something it makes it true. Nice try. I have answered everything thrown my way here with the exact same aplomb used daily here between everyone. If there is a devolving (btw, it's devolve, not de-volve, stupid) going on here it's all your wishful thinking. And Don, if Bornyo's not you then why do you say that since I jokingly suggested Bornyo change his avatar to Hitler and you reply, "I already won" instead of "he?" Yeah, "you" did, becaue YOU ARE BORNYO. You just slipped up and admitted it because you got so nervouse being exposed again, haha. And Don, unless you are some Adonis yourself, I suggest you keep the physical cheapshots to yourself. Y'know the whole "those in glasses houses" thing. As for my "questionable" directing abilities, well, I've directed nine movies two of which received 4 out of 5 stars and the rest were at least 3 out of 5 stars. My current movie THE REAL BOOGIE NIGHTS got 4 out of 5 stars and is currently #15 on the AVN charts (out of 250!). And I've got my next big budget feature, THE LAST AMERICAN GIGOLO, this fall. So Don/Bornyo, there are obviously people who hugely disagree with you in your wrongful assessment. Nope, haven't attacked any reporters lately. When it comes to mixing it up with the pornorazzi, I guess you can see it as somewhat Sean Penn-esque, haha. And when is a shoving match "an attack"? A little hyperbole will ruin your argument always.
Don, your boxing idea was stupid. When a man gets pushed ot the point of violence, a ring with spectators is not necessary.
Alright, Don, now a question for you. Do you know how much of a loser you are that you spend countless hours jacking off to porn all day and writing about it FOR FREE on the internet as your raison d'etre? I know here in XPT land that is the norm but it is a wayyy skewered perspective in the real world. Spending so much time with porn on your mind and you're not even being paid, or more to the point WHEN NO ONE HAS HIRED YOU, is really, really egregious and a huge waste of your life that you are just too supid to get it.