

Clean up in aisle 5, Darth.

And the carts need to be brought in afterwards.


Yes I know exactly how it is run. That is why if you were to stop distributing for a director, it would be the equivalent to firing them. They would have to look for a new distribution gig which is equivalent to finding a job in the real world.

Yes, the REAL LIFE equivalent of a contractor. You aren't employed by them, you are contracted by them. I know, I'm with a company CONTRACTED to do my chosen field at a large chemical plant right now. I'm NOT employed by said chemical plant.

As a contractor at said chemical plant, who is responsible if you pull the wrong lever and flood a town with toxic, fetid bile and kill 10 people? Do you really think that the people would go after the contracting company or the chemical plant for restitution?

ps. Tricia, what pay out are you aware of? Why mince words or dance around the truth? Of course Kelly is still working for you. As soon as you stop hiring her, guess where she might go? Kelly should be able to be a viable porn whore well into her mid-40's.
I love cock and balls.