
Fuck you. Fuck ADT. I don't fucking read that shit. Why the fuck would you or anyone want a link to their sugar coated shit filled forum when you have an account here at XPT.


There's only a few left that care about the back and forth between adt and xpt... Most of them post at both places hence the interest. Or lack of, if you will.

I've never given a fuck about drew and steph because that place is lame as fuck. I couldn't imagine the level of fail it would take to post there on a daily basis. I'd have to imagine it would take some lonely as fuck pud pounder.. on the same level as a runescape clown and equally dedicated, to make it count there. Of course the truest testament to the above post is the fucken fruit we know as.. Alex Panzer.

i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn