
I think she does a pretty good job keeping her site as she wants it.

She doesn't want a site filled with monkey flame wars. So, she nips that shit in the bud.

Many people are bound to disagree with some of her decisions along the way(me included), but she doesn't owe anyone anything.

I don't think I made any friends over there arguing with the righteous in liberal clothing, socialist, intellectual puppies.

More like keeps her site bound & gagged, I wonder if she's a closet dom? It's not just flame wars she nips in the bud. She owes at least a little something more to freedom of speech & a genuine exchange of ideas, Kami. "I don't think I made any friends over there arguing with the righteous in liberal clothing, socialist, intellectual puppies." This is exactly what I'm talking about, but it is an annoying thing stinking up our culture esp. politics. It's a trickle down kind of thing and I think you were right when you said "boner" first. But anyway, Kami, I gotta respect your opinion as well as your body dressed in some sexy pvc thingy. hint-hint.
"I only insult those who deserve it." - Alfred E. Neuman