H2C, such a wretched and angry little boy! So consumed with hatred for yourself - I genuinely feel sorry for you on some level. Admittedly given what a piece of bigoted white trash you are, I haven't quite found that level of empathy yet, but I did try!

What's the matter, you can't get laid so you have to take it out on anybody else that's less consumed with hatred, jealousy and envy than your sorry-ass self? Fat? Aging? Bald? Repressed homosexual? Did daddy beat you, did mommy keep you in the bed until you were 16, did your step-brothers rape you daily? What was it that sent you over the deep end so that you have to bash people anonymously in such a pathetic and cowardly attempt at wit and humor from afar while jacking off to photos of women you could never get within 500 yards of without a wad of cash the size of your hairy pimpled ass?

I've met your type before - cowardly hate-filled maggots that despise anybody different than them - black, Latino, Gay (out - as opposed to closeted like you), attractive, happy, intelligent (you write like an 11-year old although my guess is you're at least three times that old, well-hung, successful, college graduate, etc. - all the things you'll never be.

I know you'd love to be able to torture and kill all of us "different folks" to satisfy your inner Jeffrey Dahmer but are too afraid because you know what would happen to a sorry little closet-case like yourself in prison - you'd be everybody's bitch just like you are in real life (or whatever it is that passes for sentience for a lonely little piglet like you). So keep hiding behind your computer and bash all the rest of us from afar in your meth-induced haze (ever hear of "projection", bathhouse boy???) and wish that you weren't yourself and could be something approaching human - and I wish you the best in your dead-end job (assuming you have one) and loveless existence.

By the way, please tell me that a scumbag like you hasn't reproduced (I'm guessing a mail order bride) because if you have children (besides the ones that you molest in your neighborhood) those poor little suckers are going to end up just as angry, hateful and resentful as you are - and that will be your vermin-like legacy to this planet. Pretty sad when you think about it, isn't it?

Now, be a good little subhuman, find the highest building in your neighborhood and, if you can figure out how to get to the top, throw yourself off the roof. Then maybe somebody will actually notice you for once. And if you believe in Hell, all the better...