

PS. The scene with Roxy Jezel is particularly delightful

I was digging around some Myspace blogs one day and found some dude's blog where she left a comment speaking out against Max and this scene. The guy was talking about how he was a huge Queeny Love fan, and his buddy lent him some Max videos with her in them. So, the dude was unsure whether to watch them and asked some stars if the videos were consensual or not and other stuff.

Roxy Jezel left a rather long comment about how much of a scumbag Max is, how he takes advantage of naive girls, and rips the heads off of cute, cuddly, little puppy dogs and drinks their blood to sustain himself. She what went on in the scene was out of her control, things were not fully explained to her, the pissing was never agreed upon, and other stuff of that nature.

I meant to post a link to this when I found it(because nobody seems to have found anything else with her speaking out against MH), but got distracted and forgot all about it. I'd post the link now, but the blog seems nowhere to be found now. I am truly sorry about this.

At least she didn't deny it even happened like Courtney Simpson!


clicky here too

Whores lie

Edited by soopergrizz (06/06/07 07:12 PM)
You're all still alive?