
Mia Rose, i cant believe you even posted that in this thread. are you serious? If you want me to post the pictures of the gigantic staph infection that you had on your pussy (which is the reason that you never took your skirt off the entire scene) i will. Naughty America actually called me to say how badly it looked. She was obviously tweaking or coming down from it during the scene as well b/c she would not stop fidgeting and squirming around making it impossible to fuck her. of course i didnt want to be there, i knew she was fucking sick.

I love how i am getting scene advice from a girl who can't show up on set, nor keep an agent. oh yes, your agent fired you afterward for flaking (again). how many agents have you gone thru now Mia? 4 or 5? who are you with now, by the way? oh yeah, no one will fucking take you. welcome to my no list.

Looking at Mia's post, it's obvious she was careful to avoid using Christian's name, merely saying she was "weary of the 'talent'", and going out of her way to note that he was a solid performer. No hint of an attack on Christian.

And she didn't say she called to give advice but ask questions. That's what question marks often mean.

What strikes me is that Christian seems far more concerned with a staph infection than he has ever been about HIV from his gay shoots. Is it only when he can actually see an infection that he gets worried, only when he thinks that *he* might get sick? When will we see as much concern for his co-stars as he has for himself?


this has to have been really bad for christian to talk shit.

Mia's not the first to have a problem with Christian, and I doubt she'll be the last in straight porn if he keeps working in gay porn and people begin wondering about HIV rates there... Everything you blame Darren James for, Christian is doing, and everyone who hires him is doing no better than T.T. Boy.
"If they can't picture me with a knife, forcing them to strip in an alley, I don't want any part of it. It's humiliating." - windsock