Christian.... Not once did I mention your name. Or say demeaning things about you. so thank you for stooping so low.

I didn't even know I was sick. All I knew was I was in pain and I was embarrassed. Which I made clear to everyone. I was not being figity, I was trying to get you to move by pushing you with my weight so I could fucking move. Please, watch doggy style of the scene to see what I am talking about.

Please Christian, keep talking down on me. your just starting to look more more like Lockwood. :: claps ::

After the scene, I was very disappointed. I told Brett Brando how sorry I was for having such a bad scene.
I honestly wish I would have canceled.... but, it would have been my third time moving the shoot. I couldn't. Not with everyone spearding rumors. Please keep in mind... "not that you care" When you talk, you don't stay anonymous.

I am going to walk away from this thread. Christian... I was doing N.A a favor by working with you. they informed me of the talent one day before, which is when I Called you, not to make "pointers" like someone stated. But to ask what it was we could do to make the scene good. Because talking %..... Who cares if you have done 1500+ scenes. They are all lifeless. And your good scene % is pretty fucking low IMO.

But this is porn. And we do what we are paid to fucking do, good or not.
"What business is it of yours what I do, read, buy, see, say, think, who I fuck, what I take into my body - as long as I do not harm another human being on this planet?"B. hicks