The first time I ever saw Deja Daire in a scene, I thought my dick would never recover from the raging soft-on induced by the surrealist mutation that passes for her face.

But lately I'll confess to being turned on by her passion for self-degradation. She has the kind of unparalled enthusiasm for cocksucking that you'd find in some bedraggled lot lizard, staggering barefoot out of a redneck saloon and desperately fellating truckers for drug money... as though their cocks were the very source of her fix! She definitely has a certain undefinable charm.

However, to this day I still can't fathom the appeal of Ashley Blue.

Fat, small tits, and a face like a Down's eskimo? You might be forgiven for any one of these shortcomings... but all three? Pack your shit and get out. I'll pay the fucking kill fee.

"We had part of a Slinky - but I straightened it."